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driving under the influence can result in a dui charge and you would need a DUI attorney
Charged With DUI After Getting Into a Car Accident

It might be quite challenging to fight a DUI accusation that involves an automobile collision. In addition to carrying harsher legal repercussions, it may also be traumatizing. Even if someone was harmed or even if someone passed away, you can still fight a DUI accident charge. It’s not necessary for a DUI conviction to taint your life.

DUI Expungement
DUI Expungement: Getting a DUI Off Your Criminal Record

DUI expungement is a process that allows you to have your DUI (driving under the influence) conviction removed from your criminal record or driving record. This can be helpful if you’ve had a DUI in the past and want to move on with your life without having that incident haunt you forever. However, it’s important to note that most DUI cases are not eligible for expungement and that the expungement laws vary by state. Still, there just be hope for you. In this article, we’ll look at how to get a DUI expunged: who is eligible for DUI expungement, how you can apply for an expungement and what steps are involved in having your record cleared of any mention of this charge.…

Taking Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen? You Could be Arrested for DUI

While everyone is quite aware of the effects of taking alcohol during or just before driving on your health and the potential criminal charges against the offense, not many know that some common prescription drugs could also produce false breathalyzer test readings. Advil, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen are three such everyday medications that could erroneously earn you an arrest for driving under influence. 

Once a police officer suspects you of being impaired, they may request a breathalyzer test before you get arrested for DUI. The essence of the test is to check your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level against the acceptable limit of 0.08%. 

A motorist drinking while driving a car
The 9 Most Unexpected Ways to Get a DUI

Drunk driving is a serious offense in the United States. You could face community service, jail time, pay a fine, and even lose your license. However, did you know that drunk driving penalties don’t apply to cars alone?

You can get a driving under the influence (DUI) charge while riding a lawn mower, motorized recliner, bicycle, amongst others. This article explores the nine most unexpected ways to get a DUI. Read to the end!…

A policeman pulling a car over at a checkpoint
DUI Checkpoints in Orange County 2022

Sobriety checkpoints – you may also refer to them as DUI checkpoints – exist all over California today. Their purpose is to look for motorists driving under drugs or alcohol.

You’d typically find these checkpoints on the state highways and surface streets. If any driver shows any sign of drunk driving, an officer has the right to pull them over and perform field sobriety tests at that spot.…

Can You Get a DUI While Riding a Bicycle?

Cycling accidents are responsible for 751 deaths every year in the US alone. This figure hit an all-time high of 1,260 in 2020 and has been on the rise since then.

Bicycling has become a great source of leisure and transportation. Thanks to the COVID-19 induced fear of crowded public transport, people now prefer cheaper and more private means.

With more people riding bicycles, questions about DUIs and how it affects bicyclists have become recurring. People want to know the rules that govern cycling under the influence of alcohol or drug intoxication.

The answer is yes; some US states issue DUIs to cyclists. Keep reading to understand the laws and the dangers of breaking this law.…

Drunk Driver
How to Reinstate Your Driver’s License after a DUI in California

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offence in California. It can lead to fines, vehicle confiscation, and even jail time depending on your situation. If you’ve been convicted of DUI, it’s important to understand how to reinstate your driver’s license after a DUI in California. This article will provide information about what dui means in California, how to get back your driving license after DUI and how dui affects car insurance rates.…